Monday, 29 December 2014

Divine Move : Jaipur

We have been frequenting this pink city, Jaipur, for the past eight years for the raising up of the Lord's testimony. All these while, I have learned something very very subjective, deep and personal from the Lord. They are:
Not grieving the Holy Spirit : Somehow, somewhere, sometime, I felt we have grieved the Holy Spirit in the way we used to carry out the gospel preaching. Even especially in contacting fellows believers in the denominations. Perhaps, in words, or in deeds or at least in our attitude towards them. May the Lord forgive us, and especially me, if such is so and train me not to repeat the same.
Keeping the One Accord : Oneness and one accord is the key to all the spiritual blessings in the New Testament. This is very true in my little experience in the gospel work here in Jaipur. At one point of time we were in one accord laboring specifically on one group of believers whom we felt was the chosen one of the Lord for His testimony despite the outward practices. But somehow, we lose the one accord to follow suit, and that deflated the inflated burden. Since then, my burden too was deflated and a span of a year has elapsed. 

The Lord's Timing and the Spirit's Move : This time, having the right hand of fellowship from the brothers, we started off again from where we left last. Amazingly,  I was praying and considering to contact an old contact, a brother. And as I contacted him, his impromptu reply was (paraphrasing), "Brother, I just have been thinking about you since the last two days." In fact, the last two days were the time I was praying and considering too to contact him. Finally we met, and the fellowship was so sweet; ministering the word with living testimonies and a heartful reception of whatever was ministered. Later, as I went to stay overnight for fellowship, the Lord's speaking was very rich and timely. He has been though some serious trials and half-anxious, was exercising his faith. The visit and fellowship was so timely, and I felt the Lord has somewhat been through into him to be shepherded into the fellowship and oneness of and for the building up of the Body of Christ.

Meanwhile, another brother who was very much in my heart and mind was contacted. However, due to his ongoing busy schedule we could not meet as scheduled. But the Lord was sovereign. Even as I was desperately praying, even by fasting, for the Lord's work and His testimony, he called me at the last minute, on Lord's day morning, for ministering the word in his congregation, and further apologized for his busy schedule, not being able to meet. With the answered prayer, we all went and the Lord poured out His rich speaking. This meeting was followed by further fellowship and the Lord is leading us towards the next step. 

Now, we humbly submit ourselves to the Spirit's leading, neither to turn right nor left, but following absolutely His leading hand, step by step for the church in Jaipur. Apart from the Lord's "divine move" we have no "move," only in His move we will move. And the glorious church will be recovered in due time.

Divine Warning

Last night as I fellowshipped with a brother whom the Lord called to serve full time, the speaking of the Lord was very timely to me as well. The speaking of the word again and again was a blessing and a salvation. As servants of the Lord we were warned of five important items.
Ambition : The hidden desire to become somebody, perhaps, as leader of some sort, even in the Lord's work is a "spiritual cancer." Because of the immaturity of many servants of the Lord and also due to lack of proper vision in serving the Lord, many have fallen into the trap of "leadership" or "position" of some sort. In fact, Christianity has blindly nurtured this kind of self-full leadership of the soulish man, which the Lord commanded us to deny. This is mostly the root cause of myriad of divisions in the Body of Christ; each one wants to have his "kingdom", or his "name" established, resulting in many so called "ministries" and "untamed ministers." Of these, I am no exception. I need the Lord's mercy to be preserved in humility and function as the Lord apportioned me in His Body for the building up of the Body of Christ.

Money or Mammon : Money in itself is sinful and dirty; the source itself is unclean because of the fall of man. However, being a part of the fallen cosmos, the world, we need to use it under the banner, "handle with care". Yes, with much caution and without loving it.
1 Timothy 6: 10 "For the love of money is a root of all evils, because of which some, aspiring after money, have been led away from the faith and pierced themselves through with many pains." History has proven again and again that many servants of the Lord have been befuddled by the love of mammon. The love of God and the grace of the Lord can enable one to love God more than mammon. Offering is a sign of not loving money; perhaps, the more one can offer to the Lord and His work, one will be gradually delivered from the entanglement of mammon. In small thing and in big things, faithfulness in money matter is a great test to all servants of God. To handle money faithfully and accountably even  to a single dime is a remarkable sign of one's usefulness to the Lord. It has been my prayer that I may not love money , but love the Lord more and more each day, live by faith trusting in Him and not even in His blessing of material riches and learn to offer more and more for the Lord's need in His Body and for His work as His as His move on the earth.

Lust : 1 John 2:16 "Because all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the vainglory of life, is not of the Father but is of the world." The lust of the flesh is in every blood of the fallen human. Even as children of God or even as serving ones of God, the lust of the flesh is still present. In fact, given an opportunity, it can easily be ignited any time. No matter how spiritual on may be, or even mature one may be, as long as one is in flesh and blood in the human body lust is always present, at least in a dormant state. Therefore, the need in avoiding being with opposite sex illegitimately, for whatever reason. In this sense, marriage is a real help and a covering. Many famous and international preachers have fallen into the snare of the lust of the flesh. And I am no exception. I need the Lord's mercy and His blood to cover me from the attack of Satan. The best way to overcome the fleshly lust is to exercise our spirit and live and walk by the Spirit. Galatians 5:16, "But I say, Walk by the Spirit and you shall by no means fulfill the lust of the flesh."  

The world :1 John 2:15, "Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in him;"Footnote from "The New Testament, Recovery Version" on "the World : The Greek word is used for different things, as follows: In Matt. 25:34; John 17:5; Acts 17:24; Eph. 1:4; and Rev. 13:8, it denotes the material universe as a system created by God. In John 1:29; 3:16; and Rom. 5:12, it denotes the fallen human race, corrupted and usurped by Satan to be the components of his evil world system. In 1 Pet. 3:3 it denotes adorning, ornaments. Here, as in John 15:19; 17:14; and James 4:4, it denotes an order, a set form, an orderly arrangement, hence, an ordered system (set up by Satan, the adversary of God), not the earth. God created man to live on the earth for the fulfillment of His purpose. But His enemy, Satan, in order to usurp the God-created man, formed an anti-God world system on this earth by systematizing men with religion, culture, education, industry, commerce, entertainment, etc., through men's fallen nature, in their lusts, pleasures, and pursuits, and even in their indulgence in necessities for their living, such as food, clothing, housing, and transportation (see note 312 in John 12). The whole of such a satanic system lies in the evil one (5:19). Not loving such a world is the ground for overcoming the evil one. Loving it just a little gives the evil one the ground to defeat and occupy us.
Even good things and necessary things can easily be a part of "the world". Anything beyond one's necessity for livelihood is the world. Food, which is a daily necessity, if overeaten in greed is definitely the world. As with clothing, beyond what is decent and necessary, the fashionable items are definitely the world. Even with education, religion, culture, sports and entertainment, are all the world if used beyond what is necessary. 

What a timely "divine warning." The Lord loves us so much. These were the topics of fellowship with a dear brother. I myself was so much help by my own fellowship. Later, we prayed together for the Lord to preserve us from all these "cancerous" elements which are within us and with us. Lord have mercy on us. 


Divine Fellowship : Odisha

Last month the Lord led us to meet few brothers in Odisha and fellowshipped on the church as the Body of Christ with detail fellowship on Her standing on the ground of oneness and practices of every member functioning. Since then, one brother was captured by the Lord with the revelation of the truth of the word of God. On the one hand he we was so excited to see such a divine revelation, yet on the other hand, he was stuck up in the old organisational system of denominational Christianity. However, the light in him kept shining brighter and brighter, further inflamed by the ministry books I sent as a gift, "The Life-study of Genesis, 7 Volumes" mingled with his trial translation on the book, "The Glorious Church."     

Now and then, he would call up for phone call fellowship and sharing his enjoyment of the light he received through his reading of the ministry books. Yesterday, he called me again concerning his determination to stand purely for, and as, the church, and his reluctance in continuing to meet in the old-denomination-hierarchical way. However, I fellowshipped with him that he needed to have more fellowship with the brothers who have not fully seen the vision as he has seen. For to keep the one accord is important and that there should be no division among brothers.

Today he called to fellowship that, last night he could not sleep the whole night, after my fellowship to him. He was considering and reconsidering my fellowship with him about his need for fellowship with the other brothers. And today morning with much prayer he went to fellowship with a brother concerning the New Testament pattern of the local church and the spiritual and biblical way of carrying it out in reality and practicality. After that he felt much peace. And I further encouraged him to have more prayer and fellowship, for oneness is only in and with the Triune God; without being filled with God in much and thorough prayer there can be no oneness among even Christian brothers. 

With this "divine fellowship" the Lord will lead those brothers to take the stand on the ground of oneness for the church in their locality as the testimony of Jesus.   

May the Lord raise up His testimony in that locality in Odisha soon!

Divine Language

For then I will change the language of the peoples Into a pure language That they may all call upon the name of Jehovah, To serve Him with one accord. Zephaniah 3:9

Few days ago, the Lord spoke to me in my reading of the Bible the aforementioned verse. A promised He made to change the language of the people, which was a promise of salvation of the Gentiles. After the fall of man into sin, the language of man was a constitution of sins. Basically referring to the sinfulness of the people. Nevertheless, the promise of God was, He will change it.

As we were preaching the gospel and shepherding in Jaipur, almost with hopelessness of the present situation, the word of God was crystal clear and very encouraging. "I will change the language," was a great hope. No matter what the present condition may be, the Lord will change the situation. He will save sinners for His testimony in Jaipur!  

"Into a pure language!" Only the heavenly, spiritual and divine language is pure. Through the redemption He accomplished at the cross, through His shed blood, He changes the languages of sinful people into a pure language, making them His own. Thereby saving everyone who believed into Him. Praise the Lord! Today, as a believer, my language is pure! Hallelujah!

"That they may all call upon the name of Jehovah!" As saved ones, I am one of those who call upon the name of Jehovah. In fact, as a believer, I am a "Jesus caller," the one who call upon the Lord's name. "Lord, Jesus! O Lord Jesus!" And not only so, I am also one of those who serve Him with one accord in the Body of Christ, in the one work of the Lord in this universe. What a blessing!

Last Friday night, after we fasted and pray for the Lord's move in Jaipur, I shared this verse to the saints, and pray-read with them. It was such a blessing. The instant speaking of the Lord was like rivers of living water, supplying all of us. We were not doing any outward work, but we were fully one with the Lord in His move; calling upon His name and serving Him with one accord.

Last Lord's day, the last Lord's day of the year 2014, we were invited by a dear brother in the Lord to ministered the word in his congregation. The instant speaking of the Lord again was the same verse ministered to all the believers there too. A timely word indeed it was, a change from old and sinful to new and saved. This verse was also complemented by Ephesians 5:26, "That He might sanctify her, cleansing her by the washing of the water in the word." The Lord further led me to minister on the need of the constitution of the word of God. The way to be sanctified daily is by coming to the word of God, everyday, reading, studying and eating the word of God.

By this way, the promise of the Lord will be fulfilled in that all our languages will be sanctified to a pure language, to call on the name of the Lord and to serve the Lord with on accord. 

Saturday, 20 December 2014

A Divine "No"

By my "good" nature it is very hard for me to say "No" to the help some brothers or sisters or even family members are asking. Especially in the matter of money. It is very hard for me to turn blind eyes, and whenever anyone comes for help, my first reaction always is, "How may I help you please!" Even if I know for sure it is going to cost me dear, I rather would bear the pain and let me help those in genuine need. Whether for good or for bad, I am just that way. I can't help myself otherwise.

In fact for this "good" nature of mine, some friends and brothers have borrowed from me and never thought of returning back. Neither do I run after them. Nor do I suffer because of bad debts. I always trusts the source from which I receive all blessings, both spiritual and physical, that is God Himself. Yes, for this reason, I don't hesitate to lend and lend, or help and help. And I am very happy if the Lord bless me to be able to help others in need. Yet not analysing if others are taking advantage of me. I leave the matter to the Lord. 

But recently, a new experience concerning this helps me a lot. A brother fellowshipped with me of his urgent need for money as he has to pay somebody on time. He promised to pay me back in a couple of months time. But the reason for his need is not at all justifiable to me. For the need he put himself in, is not for righteous reason, but of his folly. To this, my strong feeling was an emphatic "No!" And I conveyed a "No No" to him and warned him that I cannot be a rescuer of his folly, he must learn his lesson, and that too, thoroughly well with the pain and price of misdeed. But I offered a solemn fellowship and prayed with him that he would be covered, forgiven and learn the lessons due. 

Later, I learned from him that he could not pay his due and yet he has no problem dealing with the "bad" snaring him into such a situation. He has learned his lesson and I also learned my lesson of saying a divine "No," that helps both of us.

Similarly with two saints. Though they did not asked me, I simple could offer a helping hand. But the Lord within me restrained me to do so. For He is in control and is perfecting them for a better future. Now and then, they would come to fellowship with me, to pray concerning the matter and also to help them find ways to meet their urgent need. My only fellowship was to knock all possible doors to find a solution, which they willingly did, not leaving any stone unturned. And finally, they could just manage to meet the dead-end dateline. I was so relieved at hearing from them. Had I helped them, they would not have learned all the lessons that they have learned by me not helping them. It was a divine "No" to them so that they learn the lessons they need to learn.

This divine "No" is a big lesson to me too, as I have to go against my nature of always trying to help. I need more discernment to help when I really should help, and retrain myself from "strange hand" helping without the Lord's will.

May the Lord grace me more of divine "No" to all that should be a "No" indeed.

A Release

If therefore the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed. John 8:36

There are things in life which are mysterious until the Lord shines upon and one receives a great light. And there are experiences too that one cannot apprehend and is often as inexplicable as the whole universe is. Yet there are wonderful experiences too that unveils all these mysteries when the Lord shines upon and reveals the secret(s) hidden within. This is just one experience I have been experiencing these days.

Just as the apostle Paul experienced "a thorn in the flesh" - 2 Cor. 12:7, there are some "thorns in the flesh" the Lord sovereignly allows. Only He knows why, and it's always for the good purpose of Him gaining us. I believe this is what I have been experiencing in my life too. Something that sticks to me whether I like it or not. And mostly this humbles me to the core, of simply acknowledging that I am indeed human, not negating the divine works within me.

Often times, this "thorn" troubles me as I long for a perfectly whole life; nevertheless the Lord still allows it for good. What more can I say except humbly submitting myself to the divine arrangement. This "thorn" helps me walk the narrow, humble and simple way and negate any thought of pride or prejudice. Yet though it helps, I deeply desire a complete release. Still and yet, the matter is at the Lord's hand. Come what may, what he says will always be yea."

Few days ago, the verse, "If therefore the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed" -John 8:36, shone upon me. A release that I am longing for, only the Lord can accomplish. And truly indeed, I am experiencing this freedom from the bondage of a "thorn." It was amazing. This little experience is so encouraging. What I cannot, He can. This is a simple lesson I am learning through this "thorn!" But this "thorn" did not deter me from going on in my Christian life nor church life, it helps me to be more desperate and pursue the Lord even much more. Even with this revelation subjectively, I felt I am gaining a giant leap in my Christian life.

Only the Lord is the Releaser (if there is such a word), and praise the Lord that He releases me! And I need more such releases as I am yet to unfold many releases that I may need. 

Sunday, 30 November 2014

A, B, C s of Literature Service

Two weeks ago as I was praying and considering what to minister for the literature fellowship, the Lord strongly burdened me to share on the A,B,Cs of literature service. Though there are materials that I can refer to, this time the burden is to receive the Lord's burden and impart the Lord's burden to all the serving ones so as to be useful to His move on this earth.

The A, B, Cs are as follows:
A: Availability and Ability - The first and foremost qualification to be a part of the literature service is to be available for that service. Besides being available, one must be able; possessing the basic skill of translation in being well versed with, if not proficient, the source and target language.
B: Burden and Blessing - A genuine burden from the Lord is a basic element for any one to be engaged in the literature service; without which it has the danger of monotonous and mundane degradation in service. Besides, a blessing from the Lord to break through in all encumbrances so as to be able to go on, is a must.
C: Character and Coordination - A proper character is a must to do anything, especially to serve in the literature service. Untrained character has always been a stumbling block to carry out any burden even if one is fully available and fully able. The character of a person determines what a person is and what will come out of him. The better the character, the better his service will be. Moreover, in any service, coordination with fellow workers/teammates is of utmost importance. Service such as this is not an individual matter, it is a corporate matter which involves the pooling together of different talents/functions/services to meet the goal.
D : Diligence and Discipline - Another prerequisite for a successful serving ones is diligence. Every diligent person is hardworking and any hardworking person will be righteously rewarded by the righteous Lord. Besides, one must be disciplined in his work, maintaining a schedule time table and even managing his time properly to get the best output. A case study: what qualifies to be an army is "discipline" that can safeguard a nation.
E: Efficiency and Encouragement - In any service, efficiency is a big issue. Any body may be able to do any work at any amount of time, but that may be a big failure in terms of time spent, energy exerted and money invested. Efficiency is needed for any successful work; quality must be a key concern in one's work. However, in service such as this, to achieve this target may be a far cry initially. Nevertheless, one should not quit and give up, rather be positive, pray more, labor more, make progress and be encouraged. Encouraging one another for this service is important. Always aim for efficiency, and be encouraged until the ultimate goal is achieved.
F: Faithfulness and Fruitfulness - Faithfulness in one's work is a key to the master's appraisal. Especially in this service in translation, one must be strictly faithful to the author, apart from being faithful to the work itself. In addition, one must be fruitfull as well. Though one may faithfully serve but if his service is not fruitful to the very entity he is serving, it almost amounts to nothing. Here is the need for wisdom from God in one's service; to be fruitful in the way a task is carried for every task assigned.
G: Goals, God-man living and Glory to God! - Ultimately, a target must be set for any work done. For efficiency, setting goals daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annually and laboring towards meeting the goals must be heeded to. With this there must be the corresponding assessment, analysis, and corrective measures carried out, if necessary, right away.
If one possesses all the attributes aforementioned, such living may adhere to a "god-man living"  and that would be a service bringing glory to God! For all the targets achieved in this service is for the feeding of the saints with the healthy spiritual food, for their growth in life and the building up of the Body of Christ, which definitely is a glory to God!  
As far as I am aware of, the direct feedback I received from this fellowship were all very positive. This burden also ensued in a strong prayer of consecration to the Lord afresh for the literature service and praying for all these "qualities of the ABCs of literature service" to be useful vessels to the Lord. 

May the Lord bless all the serving ones and the literature service in India! And may these banner over us be fulfilled in reality, "High Quality Christian Literature, The Ministry of the Word for all!"