By my "good" nature it is very hard for me to say "No" to the help some brothers or sisters or even family members are asking. Especially in the matter of money. It is very hard for me to turn blind eyes, and whenever anyone comes for help, my first reaction always is, "How may I help you please!" Even if I know for sure it is going to cost me dear, I rather would bear the pain and let me help those in genuine need. Whether for good or for bad, I am just that way. I can't help myself otherwise.
In fact for this "good" nature of mine, some friends and brothers have borrowed from me and never thought of returning back. Neither do I run after them. Nor do I suffer because of bad debts. I always trusts the source from which I receive all blessings, both spiritual and physical, that is God Himself. Yes, for this reason, I don't hesitate to lend and lend, or help and help. And I am very happy if the Lord bless me to be able to help others in need. Yet not analysing if others are taking advantage of me. I leave the matter to the Lord.
But recently, a new experience concerning this helps me a lot. A brother fellowshipped with me of his urgent need for money as he has to pay somebody on time. He promised to pay me back in a couple of months time. But the reason for his need is not at all justifiable to me. For the need he put himself in, is not for righteous reason, but of his folly. To this, my strong feeling was an emphatic "No!" And I conveyed a "No No" to him and warned him that I cannot be a rescuer of his folly, he must learn his lesson, and that too, thoroughly well with the pain and price of misdeed. But I offered a solemn fellowship and prayed with him that he would be covered, forgiven and learn the lessons due.
Later, I learned from him that he could not pay his due and yet he has no problem dealing with the "bad" snaring him into such a situation. He has learned his lesson and I also learned my lesson of saying a divine "No," that helps both of us.
Similarly with two saints. Though they did not asked me, I simple could offer a helping hand. But the Lord within me restrained me to do so. For He is in control and is perfecting them for a better future. Now and then, they would come to fellowship with me, to pray concerning the matter and also to help them find ways to meet their urgent need. My only fellowship was to knock all possible doors to find a solution, which they willingly did, not leaving any stone unturned. And finally, they could just manage to meet the dead-end dateline. I was so relieved at hearing from them. Had I helped them, they would not have learned all the lessons that they have learned by me not helping them. It was a divine "No" to them so that they learn the lessons they need to learn.
This divine "No" is a big lesson to me too, as I have to go against my nature of always trying to help. I need more discernment to help when I really should help, and retrain myself from "strange hand" helping without the Lord's will.
May the Lord grace me more of divine "No" to all that should be a "No" indeed.