Matthew 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole inhabited earth for a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.
The gospel must be preached in the whole inhabited earth. In this age with all the technology available, to preach the gospel in the whole inhabited earth is not a distance dream nor an impossibility. God gave wisdom to man to invent many new gadgets for His purpose. No doubts, many might have misused it, but as for us, the sons of God, we must use them for the Lord's purpose.
I have been using phone calls for fellowship, shepherding and even also for gospel preaching. And many times I used SMS to text living Bible verses to some friends and saints. Space or distance should not be a hindrance any longer.
Today, I had a STD phone call with a sister based on the SMS she sent me concerning her brother's need for salvation. I spoke to her brother immediately over the phone and preached the Gospel of the Lord Jesus. After my greetings, he addressed me as "brother" and poured out his heart's burden to be completely delivered from the bondage he is in; of excessive drinking habit, and violent and abusive behavior thereafter.
The gospel I preached was simple and plain, "The Lord Jesus Christ, who is the true and living God can deliver you from all your sins and bondages." I asked him to call on the Name of the Lord, "O Lord Jesus!" a couple of times, knowing and believing for sure in the mighty and powerful Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, with the deep and heartiest burden, "Save me!" Then he prayed with me the "sinner's prayer of confession and believing into the Lord Jesus Christ." O what a joy to lead one soul to the Lord again! Though physically I cannot met him where he was, the gospel preaching work could go on, through modern technology of phone call. Hallelujah!
Similarly I recalled an incident a few years ago in which my cousin sister's husband who resided in London, out of his deepest desperation after he lost his beloved wife, called me in the middle of the night (Indian Time). The only thing I could do was to help him to believe into the Lord Jesus Christ. Over an ISD call from London to Gurgaon, we called on the Name of the Lord Jesus together a couple of times and I helped him to pray the sinner's prayer of salvation. Praise the Lord he was saved! I have no clue where and what he is now today. But I do have the fullest assurance of his salvation when we prayed over the phone.
Use every available tool for the gospel, that gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole inhabited earth.