Was it an insomnia or was it a tea-effect or was it the whether that I could not sleep at all last Lord's day night? The reason, I am not sure till now. But one thing I am sure of is, there was a spiritual battle waging. The recent incident of encountering a demon possessed person and the aftermath of that, a deep burden was registered within me to engage in prayer. The Lord allowed me to experience such an incident as a wake up call for me to take prayer seriously and the reality of spiritual warfare. But a true spiritual warfare is fought in the Body, by the Body, with the Body in the Lord and for the Lord.
That sleepless night, I listened to messages of the recent ITERO on the New Jerusalem and enjoyed some hymns. After all that, I tried to get some rest, but sleep has left me. It was well past midnight. Now and then, I got up and walked around in the wee hours of the early dawn.
Helpless, I gave myself into prayer, an intercessory prayer for the Lord's move in India and a need for a solid breakthrough in the northern part of India, a land filled with idolatry and darkness. The prayer was so intense, yet so enjoyable. Perhaps, that may be the reason for which sleep has left me, so that I could intercede and pray for the Lord's interest. The prayer burden included a prayer for the new PM of India and the new Government forming, that God may use it for the widespread of the Gospel of the Kingdom. I had such strong burden and confidence that the leaders of the nation must be met one day to preach the gospel and bring them to salvation. O how I long for that day! Only God knows when. (Lord, hasten that day.)
What a grace and what a blessing for such a rare opportunity to be able to pray and pray. If not for the Spirit of God, I would never had the strength to pray, much less the burden. Often, this special visitation of the Lord to pray on a sleepless night, I reckon it a blessing. And later, I read my daily portion of the word, the Bible, and greeted the day with a fresh morn and bade adieu to that sleepless night. Bye "sleepless night," see you again soon for another session of prayer.