A couple of weeks ago, the Lord has burdened us afresh for the strong testimony of His recovery in the North Eastern part of India. Having the same burden, we brothers, biologically from the NE, decided to come together every Thursday morning for a "strong, strategic and specific prayer" over Skype or via Phone conference call. As we began, the Lord's presence was so strong; we released prayers in ascensions for the Lord's move in NE, especially for new cities to be gained for the Lord.
Though predominantly, these are Christian inhabited areas, yet the true value of a Christian life and normal church life on the ground and fellowship of the oneness of the Body of Christ is scarcely manifested. Hence the need for the Lord's further work of recovery, in addition to the evangelical works done by missionaries pioneered by the sparkling of Welsh revival, a century ago. Those revival of the past must be experience inwarldy and daily, not one a while, but day by day, moment by moment. Merely Christian in names do not suffice, nor in divided groups, however spiritual one is or those groups may be, the Lord's goal of gaining His overcomers and the building up of the Body of Christ must take place. For this reason, the Lord has burdened us, and so we will cooperate with the Lord.
As we began a corporate intercessory prayer, we felt the need to accommodate more burdened saints especially from the NE itself. So another day was schedule on Saturday morning over Skype with the saints from the churches in the NE. Thanks to the technology at hand. Technically the world today is a mere global village at just a click away. And this is for the Lord's purpose, for the Body of Christ.
These prayer-fellowship has brought us together in a more blended and builded way, eventually to be more perfected to express and represent Him.
Lord, blend us together more, to be joined in soul as much as in spirit, to stand in oneness with You and with one another for Your purpose.