Ephesians 6:
5 Slaves, be obedient to those who are your masters according to the flesh with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as to Christ;
6 Not with eye-service as men-pleasers but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from the soul;
7 With good will serving as slaves, as serving the Lord and not men;
8 Knowing that whatever good thing each one does, this he will receive back from the Lord, whether he is a slave or a free man.
The Lord spoke to me this morning a very special word regarding service in the Lord and service to the Lord. In some way or the other, we are serving physically. In our respective service, a proper attitude is of utmost importance. Our inward being must be with all purity and sincerity. Though outwardly we seem to serve man, yet our attitude should be as serving the Lord. This is the key to unlock the Lord's blessings.
In my service in the literature service, I must not be a men-pleaser, and I must not serve merely an earthly master or an entity, but I must serve Christ in all my services. The phrases in the verses in Ephesians 6:5-7 that touched me the most are "as to Christ," "as slaves of Christ" and "as serving the Lord." Later in our official pursuit in the office, I fellowshipped these verses to all the servings ones and we even prayed over the verses that our service may be by the divine life with the exercise of the spirit in sweet coordination with one another, serving as slaves of Christ serving Christ. As we were fellowshipping, a brother added another verse, verse 8, an incentive for our service in the Lord, that we will receive back from the Lord.
The same applies to all kinds of services, be it secular or spiritual. Though there are many techniques of management, all are human and natural. But in the service of the Lord, the best "management technique" is everyone serves in the spirit. This is the "zoe" theory of "management." Though I have studied much the secular theory of management I cease to believe in their effectiveness. The best and most effective, proven through years of experiences, is the Z "zoe" theory, where every serving ones lives before God and serves God with a pure conscience and pure attitude. This does not require any human monitoring though such may still be there.Besides, this invokes God favour and blessings which the secular ones are devoid of. And the success of any service is dependent on God's blessing. If God blesses, it is blessed; none can stop nor do anything otherwise.
Lord, make me such a serving one, a slave of Christ.