This morning in my time with the Lord, certain spiritual habit distracted me from touching the Lord as the Spirit; and I would not have my "Holy Word for Morning Revival" without revival or being revived and renewed inwardly. I went against old habits and exercised my spirit and later enjoyed the supply of the divine life. This experience enlightened me to see the vanity and deadness of superstition in the cloak of spirituality.
Superstition among the heathen is condemn-able, superstition among the religious is very often justified because of the blindness in religion, and superstition in spirituality is mostly justified because it is superstition of the highest order. But the fact is, every superstition is superstition, whichever garment it wears. And Christians must be delivered from its bondage. Among all, spiritual superstition is the most subtle one and the most hidden one that though they being noticed they are justified as it has the name tag of spirituality.
A truly spiritual person is never superstitious. He lives and walks by the Spirit and lives Christ and magnifies Christ for the building up of the Body of Christ. Sometimes many Christian habits and practices even among ardent lovers of the Lord are superstitious in nature and yet they are often overlook. Throughout the ages, many of them have been normalised as part of Christian living and practices. A good example is of prayer and how it is being prayed. Petitioning the Father God of all human needs and wants and asking all these "in the precious name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ." This definitely is not what the Lord taught us to pray nor is it the way He taught us to pray. To pray in the Name of the Lord is to pray in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ; that is to pray by being one with the Lord in Spirit. All such prayers issues from the Lord Himself and flows through the believers and back to the Lord. This definitely is the Lord's prayer, not my nor your prayer, but the Lord's and such prayers will always be fulfilled. This kind of prayer is just to be echo chamber, echoing the will of the Father to be done on the earth. This kind of prayer is in line with what brother Andrew Murray had defined a prayer, " The Christ in you praying to the Christ in heaven."
Lord, make me a person in Spirit, one with You; and deliver me from any superstition--religious or spiritual. May I simply live a life in You, with You and for You; and enjoying You, experiencing You, gaining You, growing in You and maturing in You.