Daniel and his companions were used by God as His dispensational instrument to turn the age from being under captivity to the return to God's land for God's building of God's house and God's city for God's expression and God's authority. As such they were overcomers of that age.
The real overcomer is Christ Himself, who is now in our spirit. When we live by this Christ we are overcomers, living in the Body in the principle of the Body. These overcomers are members of the Body as of Daniel and his companions. God in His sovereignty matches members of His Body together, to be blended and builded together, standing together through thick and thin, through trials and temptations, as one. No individualistic person can be an overcomer in himself; there must be the breaking, building and blending by and through the other members of the Body for the building of God.
In our Christian life in the church life, we must be blended with our vital partners. This is not a matter of choice, but of necessity. If we cannot be blended or builded with any other member of the Body, there must be something wrong seriously. Today is the age of the Body. Independent spiritual giants can accomplish nothing of the building work. So the one vital factor for overcomer is to be in the Body living by the principle of the Body.
Daniel and his companion allowed God to express through them and to represent God. They could resist the King's choicest food and disobey the King's decree to bow down to an idol, together as companions.
This truth impressed me deeply; O how I thank the Lord for my companions whom God has bestowed me with, in my family life, church life and service life. Lord, blend me and build me up with my companions as Your overcomers.