Many Christian desires to be used by God or rather be blessed by God; for this they have been praying years. However, not many of these prayers were really answered. Yes, God indeed wants to use any one or every one, but He must be able to use him or her! Vessels are many, but suitable vessels? They are really few.
Personally, it is indeed my prayer too, as many does. But whom can the Lord use? As in Isaiah 6:8, Jehovah God asked, "Who shall I send?" The response of Isaiah was, "Here am I ." The same trumpet call is sounding today; and many heed to the call with an "amen." But how many of those who answered in the affirmative are really qualified? Like in the selection of Gideon's army in Judges 7:6, those drinking water by fetching with their hands and putting to their mouths were selected. There are indeed qualifications. Even the New Testament unveiled of Mary, through whom the Lord was conceived of the Holy Spirit, had qualifications, as confirmed by her prayers, a godly woman filled with the Word:
Luke 1:46 And Mary said, My soul magnifies the Lord, (47) And my spirit has exulted in God my Savior; (50) And His mercy is unto generations and generations, unto those who fear Him. (51) He has exercised might with His arm; He has scattered those who are proud in the understanding of their heart. (52) He has brought down potentates from thrones and has exalted the humble; (53) The hungry He has filled with good things, and the rich He has sent away empty.
These cases reveal that God has qualifications for whom He could use. A willing heart as in Isaiah, a disciplined and dealt with person as in Gideon's army and a sanctified vessel filled with the holy Word as in Mary. Paul is another example of a scholarly person absolute for the Lord, and many likewise.
The preparation of a vessel, the very being of the person, is of utmost importance for the Lord to use or to bless. This reminds me of my need for being dealt with thoroughly through the cross by the Spirit, to be transformed from being merely a man of clay to be a man of stone, from a vessel of dust to a vessel of honor and glory. Lord this is my need today. Do whatever you may and gain me. "Lord, I long to be filled with Thee; with Thee and in Thee is the greatest blessing."