The speaking of the Lord is so vivid and strong these few days through the holy word for morning revival. Paul was very emphatic when he told the believers in Galatian 4:19 , "My children with whom I travail again in birth until Christ is formed in you."
God wants to give us Christ as everything and that Christ be formed in us. But many things in our Christian lives have been everything else but Christ; either they are good or evil, most of them are certainly not Christ. Unconsciously, distractions after distractions blinded us until one day we find ourselves void of Christ. But God's desire is the opposite.
How then can Christ be everything? The Christ we received in regeneration who is in our spirit needs a spreading into our soul. The presence of Christ in the spirit is indisputable fact but how about the same Christ spreading?
Christ should occupy every avenue of our soul too--mind, emotion and will. Our mind be Christ's mind or vise versa; and the same with our emotion and will. Christ must be thoroughly mingled with our mind, emotion and will. Christ not only be in our mind but also our mind, Christ not only be in our emotion but also our emotion and Christ not only be in our will but also our will. Then this will issue in the formation on Christ in our life.
By the Lord's mercy, as He leads us to this stage, Christ will be in us and in our living and expression as the testimony of Jesus.
Lord I long to be such. Grow in me, fill me and saturate me. Lord Jesus I need you.