Friday, 17 August 2012


Today's morning revival was very enlightening. As I and the brothers pray-read Phil. 4:11-13 "Not that I speak according to lack, for I have learned, in whatever circumstances I am, to be content. I know also how to be abased, and I know how to abound; in everything and in all things I have learned the secret both to be filled and to hunger, both to abound and to lack. I am able to do all things in Him who empowers me.", I enjoyed the speaking of the Lord in the experience of Paul. In fact, I am experiencing it these days.

By the Lord's sovereignty, I always believe in the unsearchable riches of Christ bestowed upon His children, us, not according to our need only, but much more according to His riches. And He is faithful to His word. And it has been true with me and my family since the day I was regenerated. And I also believe in caring for the need of the Lord's work and the saints; sometimes the Lord allows poverty among some saints for some reasons. And as much as the Lord provides and blesses, it is a pleasure to share with others and care for one another not only in words, but in deeds too, especially when it means emptying your pocket. 

It so turned out that I have been emptied out, not because of lack, but because of care for others, especially the saints and the Lord's work. And it is quite an experience to not have when you actually have, for what you have is all locked up with some one or some entities. In reality you have, but in practicality you do not have. And you trust in the Lord for what you have already but not realised. Yes, a true experience, indeed, a joyful one. No worry, no tension, but blissful trust int he Lord.

I have learned? perhaps, I am learning, in whatever circumstances I am, to be content! Lord, teach me more, how to be abased and how to abound; in everything and in all things, .. to be filled and to hunger, to abound and to lack. Lord, teach me these lessons of life. 

Through this experience the Lord is training me NOT to trust in mammon, event in material blessings that come from the Lord. Lest the blessings replace the Blessers. The blessings from the Blesser are for the Blesser Himself through the blessee! This reminds me of a classical hymn : Once It Was The Blessing (Stanza 1)
Once it was the blessing,
Now it is the Lord;
Once it was the feeling,
 Now it is His Word;
Once His gift I wanted,
  Now, the Giver own;
Once I sought for healing,
  Now Himself alone.

All in all forever,
Only Christ I'll sing;
Everything is in Christ,
And Christ is everything.

Monday, 13 August 2012

Joseph's Dream

Today I enjoy my Life-Study pursuit on Joseph's dream, it was so enlightening and encouraging.

Joseph had a glorious dream which became his vision, directing him and governing him. However, the dream he had was not fulfilled until the time of trial and testing the Lord had ordained for him passed through. That time period between the dreaming of the dream and its fulfillment was a confinement time, a real life perfecting training for Joseph, through which he was prepared to be enthroned in due time. In the midst, he was tested even of the genuineness of his dream. Though his own dream was not yet fulfilled, nevertheless, he was steadfast and interpreted the cup-bearer and baker's dream which were fulfilled within three day's time. He had the faith to speak as per the vision he had, not looking at his own, but rightly interpreted others' dream. And the fulfillment of other's dreams, not his own, was a great confirmation, encouragement and strengthening, especially in his faith.

Andrew Murray once said a word like this: The good minister of the Word should always minister more than what he has experienced. This means that we should speak more according to the vision than according to the fulfillment of the vision. Even if our vision has not been fulfilled, we should still speak of it to others. The time will come when our vision will be fulfilled. Joseph's dreams were eventually fulfilled through his interpretation of the dream of the cupbearer.

Lord, make me such a one who would wait upon You, open to be trained and perfected, enjoying Your grace and life supply to  go through every trails ordained for me.And accomplish your will in Your own time.

Thursday, 9 August 2012

By the Spirit

This morning as I was enjoying my time with the Lord in the morning revival, the Lord spoke to me the timely word. The verses for the day are too familiar to me that it almost lost its essence, however, the Lord shone upon them and it became rhema.

For the law of the Spirit of life has freed me in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and of death. Romans 8:2
Yes, the law of the Spirit of life is within me. It is by the operation of this law that I am freed from the law of sin! Without this law, there is no way for me to overcome sin or death. This precious verse needs experience, without which is a mere doctrine just for the ear and the mind. Why certain habits are not easily given up? All because the law of sin and death is too alive. Once the law of the Spirit of life operates, the law of sin and death is easily overcome just as an aerodynamic law overcomes the gravitational pull of the earth.

Furthermore in verse 11, this law of the Spirit of life is the One who raised Jesus from the death, and can give life to our mortal bodies! Yes indeed. When I turned to my spirit where this Spirit dwells I am revived and the deadness in my body is overcome. I experienced this a lot of time. Physical body abides by the physical laws and has its limit, however, the Spirit can give life to this mortal physical body and does things beyond the scope of physical science. How does that happen? Science can only cynically guess the probability, yet the Spirit by its divine and eternal nature explains it all; this is not a mere biblical teaching, but for us to experience and enjoy day by day.

Nevertheless, human cooperation to the operation of the Spirit is inevitable. Verse 13 goes, "If by the Spirit you put to death the practices of the body; you will live." I must put to death the practices of my body under the operation of the law of sin and of death, not by myself for that's not just a herculean task but a mission impossible, but by the Spirit! Meaning, if I turned to my spirit where the Spirit dwells and exercise my mingled spirit to put to death the practices of the body, then the Spirit in and through me will do the overcoming, and I becomes an overcomer! A very good instance is, to overcome the gravity of the earth, I have to make an effort to board a flight, that my duty. The the flight under the operation of the law of aerodynamic easily overcomes the law of gravity and I being in the flight enjoy the overcoming work of the operation of the law of aerodynamic. So I in the flight overcomes the law of gravity by the law of aerodynamic. Praise the Lord! By the Spirit...put to death the practices of the body; you will live...

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Cords of a Man, Band of Love

I drew them with cords of a man, With band of love. Hosea 11:4a
God's love is divine, eternal, spiritual and heavenly, yet we, man are so fallen, fallen to the uttermost, rotten to the "odormost". But His love eternal none hinders to still love man. Thus to reach man, His love reaches man in the cords of man! From His being eternal he stepped out of eternity into time and stepped out of divinity into humanity. These cords includes all that God, in Christ has passed through in his humanity--incarnation, human living, crucifixion, resurrection and ascension, thereby becoming the life-giving Spirit to enter this man, then regenerates him, transforms him and conforms him to Himself and match Him in love to be an eternal couple forever unto  eternity.

What a blessing that I am a par t of "this man" whom God loves in Christ, and now as believer in Christ, He as the Spirit is in me,  working in me and transforming me! God in Christ as the Spirit has reached me with the bands of  love which are the cords of a man He Himself had passed through. This indeed is the best news and the greatest miracle under the sun. 

Even though man turns away from God and does things contrary to Him, still God's divine and eternal love none can alter, none can deter; instead, with the cords of a man and with the band of love, He woos and lures and gains man. That's how God gained me! This is my love story.

And I gently caused them to eat. Hosea 11:4b
As God romantically gains His beloved, man, He gently feeds him with Himself as the manna, as typified by the children of Israel eating manna in the wilderness. By such, He is reconstituted in him, His beloved, and makes Him an overcomer to be His bride to match Him and marry Him in love. 

This is exactly what God does to me; feeding me daily with himself as my daily manna, my daily bread, gaining me, reconstituting me, to be like Him in life and nature but not in the Godhead. This is indeed glorious, and He is worthy of all thanks and praises! Halleluijah!

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Fellowship in Life

The Lord is so rich, so is His Body. Each member is under the headship of Christ and each member is member one to another. The supply of the Lord is from the member(s) of His Body to the other members. A visitation  of a brother and the fellowship in life were so rich these days. The Lord knows the need of each one and therefore speaks as He deemed best. 

I, as a member, too received a lot of help in life, in living and service. What a blessing to be in the Body! Without which I would be left starved, dry and empty. Praise the Lord for the Body and I am in the Body! Fellowship from a matured brother cherished me and nourished me unspeakably in the following points:
1. Touch the Lord: 
Sounds so simple and basic yet this is extremely important for a believer to go on stably in his Christian life in a normal and proper church-life. This is as crucial as breathing "pneuma (air)" for daily survival and breathing "Pnuema (the Spirit)" for revival. The ways are simple and basic; exercising the spirit day by day, even moment by moment. When a Christian lives such a life, he will love the Lord and will be very sensitive in his conscience; and would not allow any spot in his conscience. This is also related to the maturity in the divine life. When such is the case, his living will testify of his maturity in his purity and sensitivity of conscience. As such, down to earth matters, like money matter and the likes will be handled with utmost care and clarity.

2. The Word of God:
The stability, sincerity, sensitivity and soundness of a Christian very much depends on his understanding, experience and enjoyment of the Word of God. The Word is the very God and the very Spirit Himself. Without this Word and the understanding of it, a person is in darkness; he has no hope, no guidance and no future. Such is a blind man having eyes to see yet not perceiving, ears to hear but not understanding. The daily habit of eating and digesting the Word must be inculcated in every believers and must be his constitution and being. The Word must be studied with much carefulness and diligence, and that the Lord would shine on and through the Word revealing the deep things of God, His plan and His economy. It would not only be a famous dictum of the old, "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path," but much more a life-line of a person's existence and a supply-chain of a person's abundance as blessings to others.

3. Service in the Church:
Any believer having been touched by the Lord and pursuing the Word will spontaneously live a serving life; serving man yet God. This is the universal priesthood the Lord so desired since eternity past, which somehow along the way was lost and is now being recovered from degree to degree. This service is out of the divine life, ministering the divine life and thereby building up the Body of Christ.

Friday, 13 July 2012

God All-Sufficient

God all-sufficient give you mercy before the man. Genesis  43:14

Jacob had been dealt with by Jehovah in every aspect of his being; from Laban to Leah to Rachael to his children. A supplanter, clever and cunning Jacob, after all the severe dealings both inward and outward was gradually transformed to become Israel, a "God wrestler?" and "a prince of God!"

This matter touched me  very deeply as I was studying his life from the Life-Study of Genesis. The manifold and magnitude of the dealings changed his being, transforming and eventually made him mature by the gaining of God as he is being emptied out degree after degree, until finally, he matured enough to understand the God of mercy who had been with him all the days of his life. Now being matured, he recognised the sovereignty of God in everything and experienced Him well as the God of mercy, the God all-sufficient meeting his need, and blessing everyone. That's when he could say with the robbing him of his heartiest choice, his beloved remaining son, Benjamin, take him "God all-sufficient give you mercy before the man.

Today, I had planned to do certain specific things, yet I left it to the Lord. Unexpectedly, one by one, all the plan were either delayed or cancelled, and God brought to my office a brother and his mother, who is an unbeliever. In lieu of all my personal agendas for today, I ended up witnessing to this unbelieving aunty, for 5 long hours,  and finally led her to pray to receive the Lord. She willingly received the Lord. Halleluiah! God knows what is best at what time. 

This is my need of the hour; to be open to the Lord for whatever He will do. All the circumstances are just His perfect plan to gain me, deal with me, transform me and make me mature, and everything arranged  by  Him is perfect.

 Lord, amen to all You want to do, I give myself to You, transform me and make me mature.

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Gain Gold and Be Golden

The tabernacle in the book of Exodus is a type of oneness of the Body of Christ. As I entered into the ministry of the Word on "oneness" with the "tabernacle" as a picture, the Lord touched me and reminded me of my urgent need for three important items:

  1. The Golden Ring : A ring is for beautification and discernment. To be beautified by the Spirit of God and discerning with the Spirit of God. This golden ring signified by the initial spirit received at the time of regeneration, bringing into us the diving life and the divine nature, thereby beautifying us with God as the golden ring! And with these life and nature of God we begin to have discernment of what is of God and  what is not of God. This is the first prerequisite towards genuine oneness.
  2. The Overlaying of Gold: The standing board made of acacia wood were overlaid with gold. This signifies our transformed humanity needs to be overlaid with gold. Only with the overlaying of gold, the forty eight boards have the appearance of one. The overlaying gold make them one. Nothing of the board could be seen, every part is covered with gold. The thicker the gold, the better. The gold should be thick to such an extent that there should be no possibility, no chance, no opportunity for the wood to manifest any of its features--good or bad. This brings in the oneness, the oneness is in the gold! More gold, more oneness; more God, more oneness. Not just that the gold be in us, much more that we be in the gold.
  3. The Crossing Bars: Just the initial Spirit bringing us the divine life and nature is not enough, nor with the overlaying of gold. There is a need to inwardly strengthen the standing board by joining them one to one. This needs the crossing bars, to cross through each board and knitting them to be one. This refers to our being dealt with by the Lord through the cross; being able to receive the Lord's supply from other members and also being able to supply other members. Mutuality and coordination is brought in here. For this to happen, we need to love the Lord and one another, pray to Him for one another, open to Him and to one another, get into the Word and into the ministry,....

With these three things, there is the shining and testimony of God expressed through the tabernacle.

Lord this is my need today. Fill me with more of gold and overlay me with more of gold.
That I may gain more of gold, and thus be golden with other saints for the testimony and expression of God!