Yesterday morning as usual, as I was about do my physical exercise, a deep sense and longing for prayer engulfed me; leading me on my knees. The time of intimacy with God, through the Lord Jesus Christ in my mingled spirit is so enjoyable. As friend conversed with friend, I just talked and had fellowship with God. Time seemed to be impatient, and when the fellowship was over, it was time to rush for office.
Oftentimes, the Lord visits in a very subjective-dynamic way, in spite of the fact that He is always within as the indwelling One. The whole day was in His sweet presence. O the joy of the presence of the Lord! Later, as my family visited a brother's family, it was all a horizontal fellowship to complement the vertical one in the morning. In the midst of fellowship, the Lord reminded me again and again, that I should not try to defend my opinion nor my understanding of the Scripture. Rather I must simply fellowship and minister Christ to others; in word, in prayer or in testifying. Of all, giving a living testimony is the most effective, I found. None can refute nor argue. It's an experience. Doctrine, teaching and interpretation often varies and is prone to differences. But a living testimony, none can refute. Its a testimony of the experience and enjoyment of Chirst. Not everyone who speaks or teaches, necessarily have the experiences. Nor vise versa.
I could spontaneously identify with Fanny Jane Crosby's classical hymn, "I am Thine O Lord.."
O the pure delight of a single hour
That before Thy throne I spend,
When I kneel in prayer, and with Thee, my God,
I commune as friend with friend!