God promised Moses, "My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest." And Moses replied, "If Your presence doe not go with us, do not bring us up from here." Exodus 33:14,15
The presence of God means everything. His presence is His person being with. Where His presence is, there He is. His presence is a subjective enjoyment of Himself.
His presence is what we need. It really does not matter what we are, where we are or who we are. Or what kind of job we are doing or what kind of house we live in or what life-style we live. No matter we are in the best or the worst job, with God's presence everything is the best. Of late, the Lord taught me this. That I need His presence more than anything else.
Working in secular job or serving the Lord full time is no different to God. Each has his calling as the sovereign God decides. Even the nature, location, status, pay package of the job doesn't matter much. What matter most is, is God's presence there? If not, brothers, we must cry out for His presence. What is the use of a car without the fuel? What is the use of a house without a home? What is the use of a bed without a sleep? Without God's presence we are just empty shells, having the name without the reality. Perhaps, we are professing Christian without Christ Himself in our lives and living?
This reminds me of a hymn I treasure dearly , "I have learned the wondrous secret "
For my words I take His wisdom,
For my works His Spirit's power;
For my ways His ceaseless presence
Guards and guides me every hour.
Of late, I have been shepherding a family who's been looking out for a solution to joblessness and financial crisis. The only fellowship I had with the family was to look to the Lord for His presence. Nature of the job or pay package or job profile is what people look out for. But I told them, not to look at all these outward things. The one and only one deciding factor is, "Is the presence of God with you in that job?" If yes, just get it, even if the profile is a slave-status and the pay beggarly. People look at "face-value", meaning the outward profundity of the job, but we must look at the "true-value", what really is in there. A ton of trash or a gram of gold? Unit of measurement "gram" is no comparison to "ton", so is "trash" to "gold". Is there God's presence? If so, a pay package of Rs.10,000 with God's presence is a millionth times better and worthier than a pay package of Rs.1,00,000 without God's presence. This is divine mathematics. I have proved it in my life. Riches or wealth or health means nothing. Sometimes, it is better off to have none of these but the presence of God. O the presence of God!
How can we have it? By abiding in the Vine, the Lord Jesus. By contacting Him in our spirit moment by moment. O the joy of the presence of God! Lord, preserve me in you presence and do not and never take me where Your presence is not.