..It is not fitting for us to forsake the word of God and serve tables. Acts 6:2b
Two kinds of services are revealed here: ministering the word of God and serving tables. The context of this verse gave more weight to "the word of God", nevertheless, "serving tables" is not neglected either. Both are important. Judging by human logic, "the word of God" far out-weights "serving tables". And it is very easy to lower the value of "serving tables" which sounds a mere levitical service. A self secluded spiritual person will definitely prefer "the word of God" to "serving tables" if he were to be given a choice. In my flesh, I would be no different. And so likewise, most or at least some.
But reading further verses v.5, "Stephen" and "Philip" were among the seven selected for "serving the tables"! This is amazing. Who was Stephen? V.8 says, "And Stephen, full of grace and power, did great wonders and signs among the people". Take a break. Stephen, full of 1) grace and 2) power, 3) did great wonders and signs. Acts 8:5-8 records how God used Philip for preaching the Gospel, casting out unclean spirit and healing many who were paralysed and lame.
Today, if the likes of Stephen and Philip in their spiritual capacity and manifestations were here, who will serve tables? On the contrary there will be a huge advertisement on any possible media for a huge "spirit filled, powerful messages?" What a shame on today's self exalted generation of Christianity! To the eyes of God, serving tables is serving Him too! Stephen was chosen to serve tables! If Stephen as such could be, why not you and me who are in no way comparison to Stephen? This is a real challenge to me and many as well. Just to faithfully accept the Lord's sovereign arrangement. The nature of service is immaterial, what is of utmost important is our attitude towards the Lord's wise arrangement.
May the Lord have mercy on me and many of us to be faithful to any service assigned to us, be it cleaning, mopping the floor, arranging the chairs, cooking, washing dishes in the church. All services to God are equal to God. The lower the service it sounds to men, the better it is, giving no room for pride to have its spell cast upon.
Two kinds of services are revealed here: ministering the word of God and serving tables. The context of this verse gave more weight to "the word of God", nevertheless, "serving tables" is not neglected either. Both are important. Judging by human logic, "the word of God" far out-weights "serving tables". And it is very easy to lower the value of "serving tables" which sounds a mere levitical service. A self secluded spiritual person will definitely prefer "the word of God" to "serving tables" if he were to be given a choice. In my flesh, I would be no different. And so likewise, most or at least some.
But reading further verses v.5, "Stephen" and "Philip" were among the seven selected for "serving the tables"! This is amazing. Who was Stephen? V.8 says, "And Stephen, full of grace and power, did great wonders and signs among the people". Take a break. Stephen, full of 1) grace and 2) power, 3) did great wonders and signs. Acts 8:5-8 records how God used Philip for preaching the Gospel, casting out unclean spirit and healing many who were paralysed and lame.
Today, if the likes of Stephen and Philip in their spiritual capacity and manifestations were here, who will serve tables? On the contrary there will be a huge advertisement on any possible media for a huge "spirit filled, powerful messages?" What a shame on today's self exalted generation of Christianity! To the eyes of God, serving tables is serving Him too! Stephen was chosen to serve tables! If Stephen as such could be, why not you and me who are in no way comparison to Stephen? This is a real challenge to me and many as well. Just to faithfully accept the Lord's sovereign arrangement. The nature of service is immaterial, what is of utmost important is our attitude towards the Lord's wise arrangement.
May the Lord have mercy on me and many of us to be faithful to any service assigned to us, be it cleaning, mopping the floor, arranging the chairs, cooking, washing dishes in the church. All services to God are equal to God. The lower the service it sounds to men, the better it is, giving no room for pride to have its spell cast upon.