Exodus 1:17,21a says, "But the midwives feared God and did not do as the king of Egypt had commanded them but let the male children live. And because the midwives feared God.." These verses spoke to me this morning the need of loyalty to authority but be against the evils surmising of the evil rulers on earthly authority. As long as the rulers do not go against God and His economy the righteousness of God demands we submit to His deputy authority on earth. This truth surely requires a balanced understanding and application. One can ignorantly be rebellious against God's established authority just for the fact that the ones in authority are not believers as they are or at least as expected. The other extreme is also unwarranted submission to authority come what may, even if it means doing things against God ordained principles and ways. One needs a balance and clear cut discernment of what God approves and condemns, and be faithful to the Lord's intuitive leading and be absolute to it.
When faced with situation of unrighteous rulers, one must be steadfast to stand against it, even if it means death. John the Baptist in Matthew 14:4 was put in prison because he spoke against the ruler whose lifestyle was against God ordained marital status. He was bold enough and he died for it too. Circumstances may demands the same, and if so, the grace of God be beckoned to stand against evil, even unto death. May the Lord preserve me to be balanced and be absolute to Him, come what may.