These days a brother and I, as responsible brothers in the church, have been fellowshipping and helping young brothers and sisters in their marriage plan. We have also been fellowshiping with a brother and sister in their marriage consideration. In all the initiatives that we took, it was with much prayer and consideration.
Last Lord's day night, we were invited to a family of a sister who has been engaged to a brother for planing the wedding procedures. Though they still wanted to practice the traditional wedding style, which I personally will not adhere to it myself, we did not insist on any of our opinion. Our burden was very clear. Since the entire family has not yet come into the church life, whatever we are doing and will do is with the burden of shepherding the entire family, many of whom are not even saved yet. As long as the thing is not sinful and does not go against the word of God, we tread carefully with a heart of shepherding. Later, as I drove back home and was listening to a Life-study of Ephesians Radio Program on Message 23, I was confirmed of the way to handle this matter.
Therefore, we must repudiate all ordinances and go along with the practices of the saints, as long as these practices do not involve anything sinful, immoral, or idolatrous. Although we may not approve of certain practices, we should go along with them in order to give no ground for ordinances.
After we went through the proposed procedures of wedding, the Lord gave us the opportunity to fellowship and shepherd the family.
Since the topic of fellowship was on marriage, I felt the burden to share my own testimony of marriage. Coincidentally, my brother also asked me to testify to the whole family of how I got married.
I began by stating the biblical truth about God's ordination of marriage. Then started my testimony on how the will of the Lord was being done. To give a balanced view of marriage which many reckon to be a grand celebration, I testified that my marriage was arranged in a simple way with the church in Taipei's conducting it. It was a simple gathering of the church to witness the marriage. No pomp and show, no glitter and glamor, but the key thing that was significant was, the Lord's presence.
I emphasized strongly that the Lord's presence is to be treasured most in a wedding meeting. Once we have the Lord's presence we have every heavenly and spiritual blessings that also includes the earthly and physical blessings too. I further testified that my marriage was full of testimonies. I myself testified of the Lord's works in my life, my wife and her parent and the saints also gave testimonies. Every speaking, hymn singing, and prayer was just testimonies. Marriage indeed is a testimony meeting, a testimony of the church concerning the bride and groom being wedded to be one in the witness of both God and man. In my marriage, the blessing of God and the church by the elders laying their hands upon me and my wife and blessing us was a very precious eternal gift. That blessing has brought abundant blessings throughout our marriage life. Today, everyone who knows us can testimony to that fact, the Lord's blessing in our family life. I felt so blessed to be graced of this wonderful wedding gift, the laying of hands of the elders of the church and blessing us!
I also testified of the testimony shared to me after our wedding meeting. The brother and sisters came and testified to us that they felt and enjoyed the Lord's presence in the wedding meeting. In fact, my brother-in-law's boss, who also has been a Christian all his life, came and shook my hand and testified, "Brother Palmei, the first time in my life I realized that Christ is still alive!" These testimonies are sweet memories of the Lord's blessing and I keep sharing them whenever the Lord led me to do so. The Lord is so good to me!
I continued my testimony on how I and my wife started our marriage life. I emphasized some practical God-man living that we have been practicing all these years. Praying together, being in one accord in serving the Lord, honoring the Lord with offerings from His blessings, living by faith, exercising and practicing to be one even in money matters, etc. And I also testified of how the Lord provided all our financial needs to start a family life, and that too, in abundance, and He has been faithfully providing. I also told the family the need for a normal marriage life in today's age of moral degradation and lawlessness. And encouraged the sister to be married to treasure and pray for a normal marriage life for the Lord's testimony.
Then we all prayed together for the sister who was to get married, for the marriage function, for the family, and for the Lord's testimony ultimately through all that we do. Then, we took leave, trusting the Lord for His practical leading.
May the Lord recover the entire family for His testimony.