Sunday, 24 February 2013


Since I heard the message on the "Iniquity of Sanctuary" I was extremely careful and went before the Lord again and again to consider and reconsider the many things that I am carrying out in the Lord, for the Lord, are truly of the Lord, with the Lord and for the Lord. In this regard I even carefully separate the work of the Lord with my personal or family life.

As far as the work of the Lord is concerned, trusting in the Lord's grace, I will not take a step ahead until and unless it is initiated by the Lord and confirmed in the Word and by the Body; and I would not follow suit without the Lord's supply of grace and the Spirit's power and the Lord's anointing is upon me for the very same work, and be in fear and trembling that after the accomplishment of such work, the Lord and only the Lord may be glorified lest I be robber of God's glory. Yet, paying heed to this so much, I seem to neglect the part on my personal matter which I presume is apart from God's work.

But this morning in my time with the Lord, the Lord touched me deeply; reminding me that it is indeed good and safe to be careful of the iniquity of sanctuary to make sure we build God's work with gold, silver and precious stone and not with wood, hay and stubble. But much more, our work and our person cannot be and should not separated. Our work is our person and our person is the work of God! Technically, one may be careful with "the work of God" and yet careless in his personal life and matters. But in God's view, the person and the work are one. As much as one is careful concerning the service of the sanctuary, so much the more, one must be careful in his living. For our work is our living and our living is the work of God.

And this is a necessity and we have no reason to reason with God concerning our privacy; for we don't belong to ourselves, we are purchased by the blood of Jesus Christ, bought with a very costly price. As such, we are slaves as far as service or status is concerned. The reality of this kind of living will be a real salvation. For it would not give room to the enemy through loopholes in personal matters. As much as we are careful with the work of God, so much the more we will be careful in our daily Christian life. And not the commit the iniquity of the sanctuary nor the iniquity of a Christian living.

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Joined to God's Word

Reading and pray-reading the Word of God is very good. But is it good enough just for feeding on the Word apart from mere knowledge of the Word? Much more there must be a realisation in practicality of God's Word.

Daniel is a good pattern in regard to this. When he read the book of Jeremiah, he knew God's desire concerning 70 years of captivity of God's children after which they would go back to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem, immediately he joined himself to God's desire through His Word and fasted and prayed concerning the same. Likewise, when he read the book of Leviticus, he knew God's desire that His people should not eat unclean food, he immediately joined himself to God's desire through His Word and stopped himself from eating  unclean food, even if it was the King's choicest food.

As God-loving children of God, we must read the Bible everyday, even feed on the Word of God everyday and know God's desire by the knowledge of His Word, but much more, once we know God's heart's desire, we must join ourselves to God's desire through His Word and take action.

This matter of "joined to God's Word" touched me deeply. Perhaps, I have had many of the knowledge of the Word, even the feeding on the Word, but the "joining" and taking action according to God's Word is my lack. I definitely need the grace and strength to join myself to God's Word and take action accordingly. 

Lord, grace me to join myself to Your desire through Your Word.

Daniel and His Companions

Daniel and his companions were used by God as His dispensational instrument to turn the age from being under captivity to the return to God's land for God's building of God's house and God's city for God's expression and God's authority. As such they were overcomers of that age.

The real overcomer is Christ Himself, who is now in our spirit. When we live by this Christ we are overcomers, living in the Body in the principle of the Body. These overcomers are members of the Body as of Daniel and his companions. God in His sovereignty matches members of His Body together, to be blended and builded together, standing together through thick and thin, through trials and temptations, as one.   No individualistic person can be an overcomer in himself; there must be the breaking, building and blending by and through the other members of the Body for the building of God.

In our Christian life in the church life, we must be blended with our vital partners. This is not a matter of choice, but of necessity. If we cannot be blended or builded with any other member of the Body, there must be something wrong seriously. Today is the age of the Body. Independent spiritual giants can accomplish nothing of the building work. So the one vital factor for overcomer is to be in the Body living by the principle of the Body.

Daniel and his companion allowed God to express through them and to represent God. They could resist the King's choicest food and disobey the King's decree to bow down to an idol, together as companions.

This truth impressed me deeply; O how I thank the Lord for my companions whom God has bestowed me with, in my family life, church life and service life. Lord, blend me and build me up with my companions as Your overcomers.

Heaven Rules

The Most High is the Ruler over the kingdom of men and gives it to whomever He wills--Dan.4:17b

One must know and realise that God is still on the throne. He is the Most High One who rules over the whole universe. Irrespective of the situation or environment, it is God who rules. Not realising this who be a great disaster in one's Christian life.

As young as one is, even as old as one may be, one must realise this universal fact, that God rules. Politically or socially or economically or religiously or spiritually, whoever rules is under God's rule. Initiating anything otherwise would be a direct rebellion against God's ordination, even if it is done with the good intention of reformation or rectification as long as it is not directly or indirectly against God Himself of His will and ways. The only exception I could think of is, only if, the one in power under God's rule is anti-God.

David learnt this lesson well when he would not cast his hand on Saul his "enemy" who had been hunting for his life even when he had the upper hand to kill his "enemy". Because David knew Saul was the anointed one of God, though later, he went far away from being God's anointed and even when God literally left him. Still David would not lay his hand. Instead he would do whatever, to escape from confronting Saul even at the shameful case of faking insanity and of joining the Philistine, Israel's enemy.

Likewise, in our Christian life, we must be rule under the Heaven's ruling by the God of the heavens. In our personal life, family life, church life, service life or social life, let God rule and let Him have the free hand to do whatever He wants. In this way, we give access to God to work Himself into us that Christ may have the preeminence in our lives and our living, for Him to carry out God's eternal purpose, which is the very meaning of our existence and the purpose of our lives on this earth.

Lord cause me to know that the heavens do rules.

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Ambassador of Christ

A  week ago the Lord granted us the experience of the Body in coordination and prayer of the propagation and raising up of the church in Chandigarh. Later, a fellowship was that I should go again to strengthen the shepherding the newly raised up church. But that was not out of my desire nor initiation, not even a thought conceived out of me. But the Lord as the Head of the Body initiated a visit through the members of the Body, and I "amen" the fellowship in the Body. The issue? O the anointing and the flow of grace and the supply of  life from the Head was marvelous! Every meeting was so rich and so full of life, the Lord just spoke the timely word according to the need of the saints, and I enjoyed the Lord's presence very much. O what a blessing in the Body!

My train journey was even full of the Lord's presence; on my upward journey, the Lord anointed me to write a hymn on "Ambassador of Christ" based on the ministry of the Word, the recent HWMR. On my downward journey,  another two hymns on "God's Building" and " God's Word." These all were the issue of being one with the Lord and with His Body, the church.

Literally, when we are one with the Lord and are coordinated in the Body; to represent Christ, the highest authority on earth, by living Christ, expressing Christ, determining to gain the honor of being well pleasing to Christ- living just to please Christ, constrained by the love of Christ, knowing people according to the spirit and carrying out the ministry of reconciliation, we are indeed in reality, not in mere title or name or  status, "Ambassador of Christ." This is our Christian clarion call.

As Paul was, and the apostles were, so are we, when we live in the Body, serve in coordination in the Body and in fellowship with the Body. Praise the Lord for the Body life that qualifies us to experience the reality of being Ambassador of Christ!

The Paradox

This morning I was reading the portion on David's account, when he rested from war and fell into the sin of adultery and murder in 2 Samuel 11. The greatest sin he committed was when he was exalted as a king and while in a peaceful situation. Prior to this, he was running for his life from pillar to post. At such time of trials and hardships he experienced the Lord a lot and trusted in Jehovah for any decision he would make. But when, that time of trials was over and the day dawned for him, and everything seemed to be at peace and rest, he committed the biggest of blunders. 

Similarly in my case too, when things are trying and trials pivoting I was very very much exercised in my spirit and in my living, and trusted the Lord a lot. But when things are all "cool" and "fine" and seeming peaceful and at rest, often its like the flesh let loose. The real peace is the inward peace in the Lord when all of outside is in utter disorder.

God is sovereingly wise in that He cause His beloved to go through trials and temptations at times. I experienced the Lord more during such times, but I do not pray for such trials either. Let the Lord in His time allow for perfecting me. Now I could understand why the early believers and apostles had to go through so much trials. The more the fire of trials, the stronger they become and the word multiplied even faster. What a misunderstanding and blindness would it be if Christian expects a Christian life to be a bed of roses? Quite contrarily, it should be a narrow way infested with thorns to be tread upon barefooted.

Cynically, this sounds paradoxically true, and it is, indeed. For though we are in the world, we are not of this world. This is a sure sign that we should not cast any hope on this earth and not put any trust on anything in the world but in God and in Him alone.

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Serving the Lord as a Slave

Serving the Lord as a slave with all humility and tears and trials which came upon me by the plots of the Jews; Acts 20:19

Serving the Lord as a Slave: The word "slave" is mostly connoted with "serving the Lord." in the New Testament. In Romans 1:1, Paul wrote about himself as a slave of Christ Jesus. In fact, he was such a one, so am I. The Recovery Version Bible renders me much help in my study of the Word.
12 A slave, according to ancient custom and law, was one who was purchased by his master and over whom his master had absolute rights, even to the extent of terminating his life. Paul was such a slave of Christ. Verbs formed from this word are used several times throughout this book. One is translated serve as a slave in 6:6 and serve in 7:6259:1212:1114:18; and 16:18. Another is translated enslaved in 6:1822. The noun slavery, from the same root as slave, is used in 8:1521.
Paul's use of this term indicates that he was not a self-appointed apostle or one hired by the Lord; rather, he was one purchased to serve God and minister to His people, not in the natural life but in the regenerated life (see Exo. 12:4421:6; note 261 in Matt. 20; note 143 inMatt. 25; and note 171 in Gal. 6).

This reminds me again and again of the Lord's calling and as such a called one, as far as my service and status is concerned, I am indeed, just a slave. Though I am a child of God by regeneration, and tiled "brother" but in service I am a purchase "slave" of the Lord Jesus Christ. A slave purchased to serve God and minister to His people. As such, what right do I have? Except to be righteously treated as a slave! 

Though the saints love me as a brother and treated me well as fitting as Christian brothers, often, I am afraid, may the Lord cover me, I am being treated above what I really deserve as a slave. Though I have no right to demand nor reject what and how the saints in love have treated me, I bow my knee in humility before the Lord that He may cover me and preserve me from any natural element and loopholes for the enemy's attack, when the saints in love have given me the best of hospitality which I never deserved.  I commit all to the Lord's wise arrangement.

As a slave, I must faithfully serve my Master, the Lord Jesus Christ, and what He deemed best for me concerning any matter, praise and glory be to His wise bestowment. With the realisation of this fact, the Lord is so good to me and so are the saints. I have no complains nor any suggestions for any betterment of the way I am being treated; no ground for jeaslousy nor pride nor envy. The Lord is sovereignly good to His slave.

Lord, may I ever echo what Paul had written long before, "Serving the Lord as a slave with all humility and tears and trials ...." Acts 20:19

Jehovah's Preservation

And Jehovah preserved David wherever he went. 2 Sam 8:6b,14b.

Jehovah's preservation kept David from being harmed and killed, even the anointed king of Israel could do nothing. This verse impressed me deeply. The Lord's preservation is all that kept David all the while and this is all that I need too.

These days as I have been coordinating with the saints in the Body for the increase and expansion of His kingdom, the invisible spiritual battle is fierce. Attacks from all angle at times seem to thwart the onward path  of victory, however, the fact is, the battle is being fought in victory, not for victory but a display of the victory accomplished by the Lord. 

Participating in propagation, raising up churches and shepherding the saints are all done in the Lord and in His preservation. Otherwise I sure would faint and become dry by now. However, quite contrary to what factually could have been, the Lord's might and strength and the Spirit's power operating in me supplied me richly. I enjoyed the divine dispensing through the divine dispensing to the saints. Physically and psychologically I sure would have fainted, measuring the quantum of work load being carried out literally and  physically, but the Lord's grace in His preservation preserves me and keeps me going on and on. Praise the Lord!

Moreover, in the Body of Christ, all the members function in a coordinated way and the enemy has no ground in the Body-life for no one member bears all or most, but each according to the portion ordained by the Lord. Hallelujah! This is what I have been experiencing.

Lord, continually preserve me in the Body, wherever I go and whatever I do, in coordination with the Body; in oneness with one another and with You.

Thursday, 14 February 2013


Perez-uzzah means the breaking forth on Uzzah.

David, a man after God's own heart, took care of God's habitation on earth. And while bringing back the Ark of God out of the house of Abinadab and on the way at Nachon's threshing floor, the ox carrying the Ark stumbled. To prevent the Ark from falling Uzzah reached out for the Ark, but  God struck him there for his error; and he died there by the Ark of God. 2 Samuel 6:1-7

And David was angry because Jehovah had broken forth with an outburst upon Uzzah; and that place had been called  Perez-uzzah to this day-v.8

1. Influence  of the Gentiles
According to God's ordination the Ark of God should have been borne by the Levites, but they carried the Ark with an oxen cart which was the way of the Philistines. A defilement and contamination in service to God.
2. Natural Goodness is Evil in God's Sight :
Under God's sovereignty the oxen stumbled and Uzzah reached out to stop the Ark from falling, but God did not need man's natural goodness in caring for His things, something divine.

In our service to God there is a need to be purged from all leaven of the world, religion and society. Our way of serving God should be as ordained by God. And our natural zeal to serve God should be dealt with, for God would not tolerate anything natural. In our service to God, we must be crucified in our old and natural man that we may serve in the newness of the Spirit according to His ordination. 

Lord, deal with me; my intention, my being that I may offer nothing leaven and that my service may be in spirit, in resurrection as a sweet fragrance to you.

Brook Besor

And David pursued, he and four hundred men; for two hundred stayed behind who were too exhausted to cross over the brook Besor. 1 Samuel 30:10

David was deeply distressed as the Amalekites took captives of his people including his wives, and the blame was on him of the defeat of the enemy. However, David strengthened himself in Jehovah his God, v.6. and selected 600 men to fight against his enemy, however, at Brook Besor 200 were too exhausted and stayed behind. Later the battle was won and David came to meet them at Brook Besor. But all the wicked and worthless men suggested that those who did not go to war would not enjoy the spoil of the victory v.22. But David's wise response was, "For as his share is he who goes down to the battle, so shall his share be who stays by the baggage; they shall share alike." v.24 

The Lord enlightened me in this portion of the word:
1. Trust the Lord, come what may: A very distressing background of defeat from the enemy and condemnation from his own people and the loss of his very dear wives; David trusted the Lord and strengthened himself in Jehovah, then inquired of the Lord if he should pursue after his enemy to which the Lord affirmed and he defeated his enemy and recovered all what were lost.

2. Not depending what one had: One third of his army were exhausted and stayed back at brook Besor, nevertheless, he continued pursuing his enemy trusting in God, and he won the victory and recovered all that was lost.

3. Compassionate, large hearted and righteous in the principle of the Body : David wisely distributed the spoil of the victory to all alike, to those who went for war and to those who stayed back at the brook Besor. For the victory was not only of those  who fought the battle but also of those who were a part of the army.

Wednesday, 13 February 2013


Coordination in the Body in one accord commands the Lord's blessing. 

On the 6th of Feb 2013, while we were in a gospel meeting, a brother nudged me to  give a testimony of how I received the Lord as there were new believers and gentiles in the meeting. Without a moment of thought I obeyed, and as I stood to testify when, how and where the Lord saved me, I experienced the Spirit's filling like a rushing wind. Every word or sentence I testified was strongly attested with the Lord's anointing and became a testimony in itself. 

The testimony covered the experience of the Lord in His convicting me of sins and hypocrisy while on my knees repenting, and the word in Matthew 13 concerning the rocky soil of hidden sins, and the forgiveness of God by virtue of the Lord's precious shed blood and His assurance of salvation by the joy of His inward presence and the CHANGE and transformation that followed suit inwardly and outwardly with a real life testimony of two incidents of deliverance from worldly music and romantic affairs were so strong, and as I testified, the Lord led me to turn the whole thing to a gospel message. Then I turned to the gospel friends and asked them if the would like to experience the very Jesus I have been experiencing, they were so subdued and open to receive the Lord, and agreed to the query. The Lord further led me to let them kneel with me on the floor and prayed the sinners' prayer, in Hindi; confessing and believing into the Lord Jesus Christ to receive Him as their Savior and only God, which they willing did. And further on, to be baptised into the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, into the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, which also they willing did. Such was the impact of the Spirit's move that non can deny. All these is the answer to the Body's prayer and commanded blessing upon the coordination of brothers serving in one accord.

Lord, keep us in You ever;  in oneness with You and Your Body as Your testimony.

The Lord's Presence

The Joy of the Lord is my strength. Nehemiah 8:10

It was barely a week ago, while propagating in Chandigarh with the saints from FTTND and FTTA, that the Lord was answering the prayer of the Body, in the Body, for the Body, that we all felt the strong move of the Holy Spirit, issuing inwardly in our being filled with the Spirit and outwardly in the preaching of the gospel bringing people to salvation and baptising them everyday. Besides, the coordination among all was so sweet and the sovereign arrangement of God in all outward physical environment was aptly conducive for the announcing of the resurrected and ascended Jesus Christ as the gospel, all these confirmed the work of the Lord in His heavenly ministry through the members of His Body on the earth. The set goals were more than fulfilled, proving Himself again His faithfulness in His works, time and again. Though the enemy hates His move and did his funny stunts here a little there a little, he fought himself a losing battle as the victory was already won long before the battle began. Yes, to the Lord's work, what can we say, but "Amen" with a triumphal sounding "Halleluijahs!"

Particularly, I experienced the Lord intimately a lot. One night the Lord's presence filled me so much so that I woke up to intimately fellowship with the Lord throughout the night. His presence engulfed me, and while responding to His intimate visit, He confirmed His faithfulness in that He would fulfill in time everything He has promised or burdened me concerning His work. That was indeed a friend fellowshipping with a friend. O how sweet the presence of the Lord!

In every step, in every decision, the timely leading of the Lord is marvelous and His leading corresponds with the leading in the Body. This, not for my personal spirituality, but for me to be blended and builded up in the Body with other members. O the joy of the Lord. The Joy of the Lord, indeed, is my strength. Nehemiah 8:10